Easton Choral Arts is always open to welcoming new singers at the start of each concert preparation period. From middle schoolers to octogenarians and beyond, we are a multi-generational group of folks who share a love of singing.
Easton Choral Arts Society was formed to bring quality choral music to the Eastern Shore of Maryland and to provide local singers with the opportunity to enhance their musical knowledge and skills in an atmosphere of joy and camaraderie. Our purpose is to enrich the appreciation of choral music within the community, as well as within ourselves, through practice and performance. ECAS is a recognized mixed chorus of volunteer singers who seek to present high quality choral repertoire in concerts to a growing regional audience.
While prior musical study and choral experience are helpful, they are not requirements. Auditions are also not required. Instead, following an introductory rehearsal session or two, each prospective singer will be scheduled for a meet and greet session with the artistic director for voicing and sectional placement.
Each season is split into two "semesters" each ending in a pair of performances. Our Fall semester takes place from late August to early December, and our Spring semester takes place from mid January to late April. For newcomers, the first two rehearsals of each semester can be attended as a commitment free, trial-run.
Once you are committed to the Fall or Spring, membership dues are $50 per semester. Scores from our music library are on loan to the chorus members for each of these periods. Ample practice resources are provided and weekly communications from the artistic staff will help you stay on track during concert preparations. Rehearsals are held Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, currently at Christ Church Easton.